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国外展讯|2019 第19届越南胡志明市国际塑橡胶工业展

国外展讯|2019 第19届越南胡志明市国际塑橡胶工业展


The 19th Vietnam International Plastics & Rubber Industry Exhibition

展览日期 (Show Dates) : 2019/10/3(四) - 10/6(日)
09:00 AM ~17:00 PM (最后一日展至15:00 PM)

优肯科技 / 展区号码 (Our booth number) : 506

地点 (Venue) : 西贡国际展览会议中心 (799 Nguyen Van Linh Parkway, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)

官方网站 (Website) : https://www.chanchao.com.tw/Vietnamplas//

主办单位 (Organizer):Yorkers Exhibition Service Vietnam (优可国际展览服务公司) & 越南工商部 – 越南国际广告会展公司 (VINEXAD)

协办单位 (Co-organizer):越南塑料公会Vietnam Plastics Association (VPA)

★ 2018年展览报告 : 19000平方米、750个摊位、470家参展商、来自21个国家、预计17050 名买主

★ 越南国情概况 :

越南人口9,170万,自1995年加入东盟自由贸易区、与美国建交、和欧盟签署自由贸易协议;胡志明市不但越南最大的城市, 而且是越南最重要经济中心,GDP占越南20 %。胡志明市供给越南国家每年收入33.78 %,胡志明市进口从金额占全国34 %。目前胡志明市共有13个加工出口区及工业区,已逾1,000家国内外厂商进驻投资,雇用逾25万名劳工。


★ 对外贸易简介 :

1. 越南2018年1至5月出口930.9亿美元,进口额879亿美元,分别成长15.8%和8.2%,贸易顺差33.9亿美元。
2. 主要出口国家美国系越南最大出口市场(334.79 亿美元)、次为中国 大陆(171.41亿美元)、日本(141.37亿美元)、南韩(81.9亿美元)、及香港(69.65 亿美元)等。
3. 主要进口国家依序为中国大陆(495.27 亿美元)、次为南韩(254.62 亿美元)、 日本(143.67 亿美元)、台湾(109.93 亿美元)及泰国(82.84 亿美元)等。

东盟国家已于 2015 年底成立东盟经济共同体(AEC),在越南投资企业宜积 极掌握商机,改善企业体质及发挥经营能力,可善加运用 AEC 所带来的 经营商机。越南主要输欧之产品包括纺织成衣品、鞋类、咖啡、水产品及电子产品。

★ 越南扶植发展塑料产业,原料及设备均倚重进口 :


★ 国家投资,引进先进设备 :




制造及营建业:我国在胡志明市较知名之投资包括新顺加工出口区、富美 兴公司、宝元公司;同奈省则包括味丹公司、三阳机车公司(SYM)、台南 纺织公司、大亚电线电缆公司、建大橡胶、东元集团、中钢集团、台塑集团;平阳省则为统一公司、大同公司、远东制衣、较为出名。其他隆安河 尚有我商清禄鞋业公司、福懋公司、中兴纺织、广隆电池、裕源纺织。

★ Why Exhibit in Vietnam?

The 19th Vietnam International Plastics & Rubber Industry Exhibition has been seen as the best path to enter Vietnam market, and the most beneficial way to promote products, services and machinery internationally.

★ Growing Demand for Plastics & Rubber

In 2020, the production of plastic products will reach 12.5 million tons and export turnover will be USD4.3 billion, followed by a growth rate of 15% each year later. In addition, the packaging segment has remained the highest proportion in Vietnam’s plastic industry by reaching over 30 percent recent years. The construction and technical segment will also grow positively with the industry development plan to 2020.

★ Local Plastics Industry Rising

Vietnam’s plastics industry has around 2,000 businesses, and 83% are located in the Ho Chi Minh City. Its plastics products having a great competitive edge for packaging, household products, and construction and engineering plastics. These plastics products have gradually reached the point to where it can control the market of several countries.

★ High Value FDI Attractor

In the 1st quarter of 2019, Vietnam has received around $16.74 billion in FDI. Foreign investors are investing in 19 different sectors of Vietnam economy. To enter this high value market, the 19th Vietnam International Plastics & Rubber Industry Exhibition is your finest choice.

★ Substantial opportunities toward EU market

Vietnamese Government and the Ministry of Industry attach great importance to the plastics industry by establishing 5-year development plan to stimulate growth in the production of high-tech plastic parts and developing the recycling industry.

★ Why exhibit in Vietnam Plas?

It is the preferred exhibition to present an overview of all the technical developments, procedures and techniques, as well as future trends.
The most experienced exhibition in Vietnam – This show has been held for 18 times, and had over 14,796 visitors in 2018.
